Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Splatter Nails


I haven't done one of these posts yet! I'm surprised because I am obsessed with all things nails! I love nail polish :o) The job I had before I got laid off really kicked off my passion for painting nails. I nannied a little girl who loved having her toenails painted. (Check back later- I'm going to post all of the toe nail designs I have painted! Fun!) Of course I needed to buy colors to do all the designs I wanted and I decided I was only going top shelf and therefore... An OPI addict was born!

You can see some yellow around my middle finger and splashes on my hand from my attempt at a whole hand of splattered nails!
I decided to create a splatter affect on my nails. This look is achieved by dipping a straw into the color of polish you want to splatter and holding it about 4 inches from your nails. Then take a deep breath and blow hard through the straw. The polish will splatter out onto your nails. I wanted to do all my nails but all I ended up with was a huge splattered mess on my hands. So I cleaned it all up and taped off around my ring fingers and only applied the splatter affect to them.

You will need a base color polish, 4-5 different colors to splatter, some straws, cotton balls, nail polish remover, tape and cotton swabs.

I began by painting all of my nails with one coat of China Glaze Snow. Then I painted my nails with two coats of Ultra Pro's Punki Pink. This is a fantastic hot pink and the more coats you add the brighter it gets. I let this dry and then prepared for the splattering. You can use any colors you want in any order. For my splatter effect I used OPI's Ate Berries in the Canaries, OPI's Rumples Wiggin', Sally Hansen's Lightning and China Glaze's Snow. It takes awhile to dry and when I had too big of a glob of one color, I used some crumpled up Saran Wrap to shift it around. It is supposed to look crazy! Once my nails were completely dry I added a coat of Essie's Polish Refresher. I know, I know, it's not a top coat, but I'm completely out of my favorite top coat CND's Super Shiney. Best. Top Coat. Ever. Use your nail polish remover and cotton swabs to clean up any mess you have and ta-da! Splattered nails :o) I'm going to try this one out again for the Fourth of July with red, white and blue. Hope you enjoyed this nail post!

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