Saturday, August 10, 2013

Staturday Week 4 Aug 5-Aug 9

How is everyone's August going? I can't believe we are almost halfway through! This summer absolutely flew by and I didn't do a single thing, haha.

So I decided this week would be my last week of Alpha. I know you are supposed to do 5 weeks then 5 weeks of Beta, but I only have 9 weeks instead of 10 because of vacation. Also I just felt off this week. I can do 95% of every move and workout so I think I'm ready to move on and be challenged. I'm not saying the workouts are easy...I'm still sweating hardcore and exhausted at the end but I can do them all without breathers or modifying anything.

This week I just felt off. I ate clean all week. If anything, I had trouble getting 1200 cals in some days. You know I weigh myself daily so I knew something just wasn't happening. By Thursday I was only down one pound and I fluctuated all week 4-6 ounces. On Friday for doubles I decided to push myself and do the Core Speed workout in hopes it would give me a boost, but waking up this morning I knew the scale wasn't going to be a huge budge.

Monday- Cardio. Simple, easy, can do it all. Like I said, exhausted by the end, but no longer feeling like collapsing.

Tuesday- Total Body Circuit. Just like last week I liked it. Pike ups are insane but I feel like I'm working which is what I'm lacking with Cardio and Speed now.

Wednesday- Lower Focus. I LOVE this workout. During the deep lunge pulses my quads and calves are screaming at me and I am all kinds of wobbly after but it feels good.

Thursday- TBC again. Nailed it.

Friday- You were supposed to do Speed 1.0 and Ab Intervals. I ended up doing Core Speed which is a bonus dvd. Wow. This dvd was no joke. It's a circuit of about 16 moves. You do the first 8, 3x each shortening the length of each move as the rounds progress, and then the next 8 moves you learn in the same fashion. By the end you are doing all 16 moves in a 2 minute span with a jog recovery in between. I almost gave up at 15 minutes, then again at 7 because it was insanely hard but I pushed through and finished. I had to stand in front of the a/c and catch my breath for probably 3-4 minutes at the end. I told Ryan I liked it because it was crazy hard but I NEED that burn. I easily get bored and having mastered the moves in Cardio and Speed 1.0 I just need the challenge.

I did Ab Intervals after a breather and it definitely still kicks my ass. It's probably my least favorite workout right now. It's not a challenge in a good way.

I'm scared for Monday and looking ahead at the same time because I know I can get amazing results once I master the Beta moves. 

So for this week's results I lost 1.2 pounds. This means I've lost 12.2 pounds total in 4 weeks. This is pretty consistent with how I normally lose weight so I guess I can't really be disappointed but I know I am someone who needs to see the scale move. As far as inches lost I also measured this week and I've lost 8 inches total.

Saturday night we met Ash and John for dinner and then they came back here. I couldn't stop singing Blurred Lines. It was so much fun to hang out with my sister and BIL and I wish we saw them more often! The four of us always get along so well.

On Tuesday I got a surprising phone call from my old job calling me back to work. It's a middle school position and it sounds like a lot more administrative communication than teaching but I'm still happy to go back. I really liked my job before and this is working with someone new, so hopefully he and I can get along great and make this program successful.

Wednesday I went with my parents to visit my grandma. I am always happy to see her and it is bittersweet because the person she is now is still my grandma but not at the same time. I remember my grandma for the 20+ years I saw her almost daily. This woman now is fragile and cannot hold a conversation very long. She is still active, healthy, and most importantly, happy but she is a shell of who she used to be. My cousin and her family take amazing care of her. They are always taking her along everywhere they go and I think that helps that she is so active. We also were able to view my other cousin's new house. It is his other grandma's old house and he and his wife have completely remodeled it and added a beautiful addition. I could live in their kitchen! It was amazing to see someplace completely reformed and it makes me so excited for work on our house to begin next spring.

This week I started listening to The Civil War's new album and it is amazeballs. There are a couple songs I cannot stop listening to! Actually, there's 3 songs this week that are on repeat for me.

The Civil Wars Dust to Dust

Robin Thicke Blurred Lines (warning: NSFW)

The Civil Wars The One That Got Away

Here's this week's photo dump. I know...I was awful at documenting anything this week.
Seeing definition, Pumpkin cookies, and my new favorite thing- Chobani Coffee Yogurt.

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