Sunday, April 22, 2012

Health, the greatest of all we count as blessings. - Ariphron

March 2012


This is me today (well, I look the same today, this was a month ago). My weight has fluctuated between 124-128 for the past two months. I am eating around 2000-2200 calories a day. I cook every day for dinner and I normally will have a protein shake for breakfast and a turkey sandwich for lunch. I am happy maintaining this weight. I also exercise for a half hour daily. I have ordered my maid of honor dress for my best friend’s wedding in October. It is a size 4 and will need to be altered. I also recently bought a pair of J. Crew toothpick skinnies in a size 27 (3-4).

Someone I went to college with has asked me to join her weight loss team with her. It is a 12 week challenge. I ordered Turbo Jam and have done the 20 minute session a few times. Ultimately, I would like to weigh between 110-115. I know that before Ryan and I decide to try to have a baby, I definitely will weigh this. Then I can gain a healthy 25-30 pounds without stressing. That is in the future but I see nothing wrong with being prepared. I would want to maintain that weight as well for at least six months before getting pregnant.

You may be wondering about all those old jeans, especially my favorite ones. Well, they're definitely no longer my favorite. In fact, I gave them away! I gave away everything (and I mean everything) that was too big for me. I shop a lot at Anthropologie for shirts, so imagine giving away really nice clothing in really great shape. Luckily for me, I have some wonderful friends who are totally supportive of my lifestyle and who were thrilled to inherit my old clothes without being offended. Besides, they just received really great wardrobe updates! The only thing I have kept that no longer fits me are: a pair of size 14 American Eagle jeans. I bought them when I couldn't get those MEK jeans buttoned. They are a reminder of how far I've come, and if I feel like I'm getting off track, I like to try them on.

I don't think I ever had a breakthrough moment. It never really hit me "Oh my gosh, I've lost this weight." I am still me regardless of what I weigh. I still enjoy food and baking and cooking. I just now enjoy foods that I wasn't eating because I realize I feel better eating them. I enjoy working out (although I still hate sweating). I'm still funny, and loud and outspoken. I still believe in eating what you want, just now in moderation. I still have an amazing sense of humor. I think you definitely need a sense of humor more than anything while trying to lose weight.

The only time I ever broke down and cried on this journey was when I was cleaning out my closet and came across my wedding dress. It was a size 14 and I loved, loved, loved it. I still do. But when I tried it on, it was a different dress than the one I got married in. The beading on the bust now fell across my waist as well, and it was more mermaid than a-line because it wasn't bunched up as much. Ryan came in our bedroom and asked why I was so upset. And I told him it was because I would've picked a different dress for our wedding if I was thinner. He reminded me that I still could've picked that exact dress, just ordered it in a smaller size. It helped me realize I am the exact same person, just a smaller version of myself.

Right now today I weigh 127.4. I am setting a goal of weighing 115 by July 7. That is our annual 4th of July party. I hope to achieve this by cycling calories, beginning Turbo Jam, and continuing my half hour daily treadmill jog.
April 20, 2012 

And that’s how I came up with the name of my blog. Eat Cake for Breakfast (then Work it Out). You can have your cake and eat it too. Just make sure everything is in moderation. Don’t eat the whole cake (at least not in one day). My late maternal grandmother always said, “Life’s short, eat dessert first”. She was so right. Tomorrow I may not be here, so while I am I will have a slice of whatever the hell I want!

If you’ve read all of these posts, thank you. I have changed my own life for the better and I can’t ever,ever, imagine going back to where I was. Having lost over 50 pounds I feel like a different person. My blood pressure has also dropped from an all-time high of 150/101 to 112/70. My energy is through the roof and my confidence is higher than it has ever been.

I also want to mention that I am not pushing a lifestyle change on anyone. Just because I try to make healthy decisions does not mean I’m perfect. At all. Last week I made a batch of my mom’s homemade hot fudge and ate a spoonful daily of it just because I wanted to. I have a major sweet tooth still but I have learned how to curb it. Most of all I realize that each day is a new day. If I screw up today then I have tomorrow. (Although eventually you have to take some responsibility).

Lastly, I do not endorse Turbo Jam or Slim in Six. They are Beachbody products but I bought them off of Amazon just because they looked fun to me. Slim in Six did help me lose weight and I give it credit for starting me out, so I am hoping if I dedicate to TJ I can also lose these last fifteen pounds.

Check back later for a new post. I’m going to start baking some Cinnamon Cookies once my butter has softened!

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