Monday, April 23, 2012

Rainy days & Mondays always get me down...

Happy Monday! What's the weather like where you are today? Here in SW PA it's raining and spitting snow. I can hardly believe it. Last month on this day it was 83 degrees and sunny. Mother Nature sure has some crazy hormonal swings!

Every week on Monday I will be beginning to post my previous week's daily food journal and exercise. You may not find this that interesting, especially because it had already happened, but to me publishing something online will hold me even more accountable for how I'm fueling my body. So I said earlier I eventually would like to weigh 115, preferably by our party in July. My first goal is going to be 122 lbs. I really enjoy reaching mini goals, and I find it way easier than pushing for losing 12 pounds right away. 

I read my friend's blog this morning (the one who encouraged me to join her 12 week challenge) and she mentioned in her recent entry that reading my blog has made her stop and think about her breaking point. For her, it was people at her wedding asking her husband how he lost weight and here, she had gained weight from the stress of planning a wedding and a sedative job. So here's a shout-out to you, Nicole. I know in the beginning it seems like it will be a long and hard climb, but as soon as those results start happening and you see them, you will want to power through. You know I'm here to support you as well!

Today also would have been my pap's 85th birthday. I can't believe it has been 8 years since he passed away. It is really strange sometimes when I find him sneaking across my mind. Ryan and I live in my grandparents' old house and we are completely remodeling it. When we first moved in a few freaky things happened (light switches turning on, doors open when we knew we had shut them) and we I was convinced my pap was still here. (My grandma is still living with my cousin and her family about an hour away.) Then I realized if he was here, why would I be afraid? He was someone I loved so much while he was living and surely he would be thrilled with the updates we are doing here. It's crazy, but if we were celebrating his 85th birthday, I would be right here in this house today anyways! It is days like this that give me reassurance that Ryan and I have made the right decision to choose to be here in this home.

I'm starting to really get anxious waiting for Kitty to have these kittens! She was at the vet 4 weeks ago on Wednesday and he said she was about halfway through her pregnancy. The average cat is pregnant for 63 days. Fingers crossed it will happen soon! 

If you have decided to make today the Monday you start changing your life, good for you! Any day is a good day to start. My anniversary is the 19th of every month and I look forward to that day to take some time and reflect from where I began and map out where I see my immediate future going. Hope you all have a great start to the week! 

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